The Procuniar\ier-Bragunier-Brockunier
Family Genealogy
  © 1997-1998-1999-2000-2001  by David Charles Procuniar

Spelling variations of the "Procunier" Surname

As most of you know there are many different spellings of our family Surname but it is believed that the spelling of "PROCUNIER" to be the correct spelling that was recorded just prior to our family coming to the Americas.  This difference in spelling happened quite often in the same family. Not that some family members deliberately changed the spelling of their Surname, but the "lack of" family member's education caused their surname spellings to be set in motion by census takers and/or by lawyers whenever land purchases were recorded.  Throughout my research I have always tried to list the surname spelling that reflects the "written records" of each family member.  Usually the recorded spelling of a family members "Last Will" but where there was no will I used census or land records.

The following are spelling variations of the "Procunier Surname"
that I have come across while reasearching my family history:

Bagonier; Bagunier; Barkioner; Barunier; Beagonier; Bechner; Beegunier; Bergener; Bergonye; Bergoyne; Bergunier; Bogunier; Borgner; Bracconier; Brackaunier; Brackner; Brackonere; Brackonier; Brackunier; Braconier; Bracconier; Bracounier; Bracunier; Braggoner; Braggonier; Braggoonier; Bragoiner; Bragoneer; Bragonier; Bragomer; Bragonia; Bragoniere; Bragoon; Bragooner; Bragoonier; Bragoneer; Bragonyer; Bragriner; Braguneer; Braguner; Braguniar; Bragunier; Brauchunier; Braygoonier; Brecunier; Breegner; Bregonier; Bregunier; Breighner; Breigner; Brigner; Brigunier; Brochanier; Brochunier; Brockner; Brockunier; Brogan; Brogmier; Brognier; Brogoiner; Brogonia; Brogonier; Brogunier; Brokunier; Brucuner; Brugner; Brugonia; Brugunier; Bugner; Bungarner; Bungarnor; Burckner; Burganier; Burgener; Burginer; Burgooner; Burgoon; Burgoynes; Magoiny; Parcunia; Pechin; Peckiner; Peckoner; Peckonier; Peconier; Pecuniar, Pecunier; Pequnier, Percumer; Percunnier, Pereunier, Perunniar, Pickner; Porcunniar, Porunnriar; Pracooner; Pracunier; Pragunier; Prakunier; Prakunia; Prakurier; Procuniar; Procunier; Proenniar, Proker; Prokunier, Proner; Proomer; Prooner; Proonis
Red color represent recent uncovered spellings

Errors, Omissions, Additions & Changes

Errors - You may ask, "Are there errors in the database?" and the answer is an unqualified "YES". Since the data has been assembled from information provided by many people, there are bound to be significant errors. Some people are very conscientious and do good genealogy. Others tend to do sloppy work and simply record hearsay. As a result, you may also ask, "If there are errors in the database and the data is unverified, what value is it to me?" What the database can provide you are many things. One, it can give you the names of other researchers who are working on your same line. It can also give you clues as to who your ancestors might have been or where they lived. And if you are lucky, the data may be very accurate. There is no substitute, however, for hard work and confirming the data yourself. At least, this database might give you some clues as to where to look and make your work a little easier.

Omissions - As you will notice when you explore the database that many facts, notes, and source information are missing. Also, because of privacy concerns, any person born or married after 1900 and whose death date is not shown, the exact event date has been replaced with just the year in some entries (others will be removed upon request).
Additions - All you need to do is send me the information. The easiest for me is for you to send a copy of your database files or a GEDCOM file that contains information about your Procunier descendants. You can send me the native data from your software program if that is easier. I own the following programs: PAF, Family Tree Maker & Family Origins.  I will verify the contents and appropriateness of the data in the file, add references, put a one line note in each of the individual's records acknowledging you as the contributor of the data, and then merge the data into the Master Database. If you only have a few individuals or records to contribute, send me an email message with the appropriate information and I will hand input the data. Obviously I will be most interested in new data that is not contained in the current database or adds to the current data.

Changes - If you have some changes to be made to the database, please send me a letter or e-mail describing the changes you feel need to be made. If appropriate, I will include the change on the next revision of the database.
Don't hesitate to contact this author Email  David C. Procuniar

Note: The data included in these Genealogies may be used by descendants to further their knowledge and understanding of their family origins. The data on this web page may not be published or reproduced in any form for any commercial purpose.
          If data on those still living has mistakenly been included it will be deleted upon request.

Note: Anything not copyrighted in this publication can be reprinted with permission from the author!. It is appreciated if a credit line be given. Certain advertisers and writers may retain copyright on material which will be clearly marked as such. You must contact them about use of their material. Information in this publication was/is obtained from correspondence, newsletters and miscellaneous sources, which, in many cases cannot be verified 100%. In cases where you need to write the author for material, please send along a SASE (Self Addressed Stamped Envelope).

Also PLEASE NOTE: This homepage, its subsequent links, and all information contained at this website is unofficial and is being provided as general information only. All HTML source codes and other data found on this website, unless otherwise stated, are Copyrighted ©

© Copyright 1997-1998-1999-2000-2001 David C. Procuniar ... Reprinted with permission only!

Censorship reflects a society's lack of confidence in itself by Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart!
Minds are like parachutes...they only work when open!

This page was last updated: March 1, 2008